Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Little Individuals

They come already so unique. I am so grateful that they do come!

Little Moments

Today I accessed an old friends blog to see how things were going in her life. I wept, sobbed and prayed as I realized the trial she is experiencing. Life really is so fragile! It is only through our grand creator that our hearts beat, our lungs breath and our bodies and mind have life.
I testify that God is in control and though we suffer and sorrow it is all for our eternal good.
What a strength and wakeup call this friend is showing the world, and I love her for it.
We each are only afforded an allotted time here in our probationary state on earth. What we do with this gift of "time" has more weight than we know. It is not just for us to wake and breathe and eat each day but to do our best in becoming. I have loved learning of the influences that surround me and in making a more conscious decision of elevating my thoughts and actions to be where they should be.
I now have so much more reason to live a better life. My little Miracle came. I hope everyone has and enjoys the tender mercies God grants us and recognize "your" miracles, given not because we deserve them but because God loves us!